Consumer Loans

Serving Our Community Neighbors


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Why Metamora State Bank?

MSB remains true to our mission to provide a safe, secure, competitive source of financial services to the residents of our market area while remaining an independent locally-owned community bank — one of only a few left in the area. What does that mean for you? At Metamora State Bank you are more than a customer — you are a friend. Our employees will get to know you on a first-name basis. They look forward to your bank visit and want to hear about your family and friends. Whether you are looking for a mortgage loan, a construction loan, a new vehicle, or business loan, loan decisions are made here.

Consumer Loan Learning Center

Consumer Loan Calculators

We have three consumer loan calculators available to help you understand Loan Affordability and Payments so that you can select the loan that is best for your situation.

Top 10 Questions

We want help you make decisions as you apply for an auto loan. Our Learning Centers provide you with helpful answers to the most common questions.